Thursday, May 24, 2012

Girls gossip, broke and new.

Stop the press! In 2011 Kristen Wiig proved that women can be funny and since then we have seen women take over the small screen. At the end of last year we meet a kooky new and 2 broke girls but this year everyone is just talking about Girls. Girls is a new HBO show from up-and-coming writer/director/actor Lena Dunham, which is being hailed as Sex & The recession City.

After four episodes I am not overly impressed by Girls. I think I understand what they are trying to do, as I too am a girl in my mid twenties who two years since graduating university is still just floating and occasionally accepting money from my parents to pay the rent. I get it, Life’s hard for educated white middle class Gen Yer’s. We have all been told we can do whatever we dream of so we never really settle on one thing, we jump from one idea to the next whether it be about employment, housing or men.

What erks me about Girls isn’t the idea or story but rather the easy road it appears to be taking. It is as if some marketing genius said ‘yeah I love it, it’s 4 girls like Sex & the City, its crass like Bridesmaids so let’s just add some stereotypically hipster bullshit and I think we have a winner’. Yes that’s what I hate about Girls, the hipster bullshit. The show looks as if it was shot through instagram as all the colours are muted to make it seem serious, seriously douchy. 
I get the impression they think they are making something really edgy and that bugs me too. The girls talk about abortions, cruel boys and sexual disappointments but everything is handled in such an american way* that I'm left feeling like I've seen it before.

Oh and what it the obsession with cupcakes and hipsters??? In 2 Broke Girls the super quirky Kat Dennings wants to make a career out of them and here, first episode in, Hannah just must have a cupcake for breakfast whilst taking a morning bath (also who takes a morning bath). I love cupcakes but AHHHHHHHH

But with all that said, I know I will keep watching because I really want to like this show. Maybe that’s what they are banking on.

* 'An american way' means they don't really tackle the issue and yes it is an insult. 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Gatsby, you look great

I should start by saying I love Baz Luhrmann. I believe he can do no wrong.

I even loved Australia

Luhrmann’s next project is the retelling of The Great Gatsby (in 3D) staring Leonardo DiCaprio, Carey Mulligan and Toby Maguire.

I have been concerned about this film for a number of reasons:
1. Why would you make it 3D? My eyes are not 3D compatable.
2. I don’t particularly care for Carey Mulligan. These issues stem from An Education which I did not enjoy and were then backed up after Never Let Me Go, which I also did not enjoy.
3. There has been too much hype surrounding it, which normally means this film will be garbage.
4. I do like Leo, but Robert Redford he is not.
5. 3D? What the frick?

But now the wait is over as the first preview is here and it looks.....


Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Look who has turned up in Cannes today.
It is none other than my favourite volatile australian actor.

Glad to see he dressed up for the occasion.

I'm thinking maybe he was going for this 'I'm being ironic' look

But he failed*.

* Mendelsohn failed, not Murray. Murray and his pretty lady rocked this look. 
But seriously Wes, I'm loving the bob.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012



I love Christopher Nolan. Love.

I am beyond excited for the final chapter of Nolan's Batman. It has everything you could want. Christian Bale, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, The old man, Tom Hardy. swoon.....

I believe I also spied one Mr Ben Mendelsohn. Blink and you'll miss, but he's there.

I can't wait.

I am also choosing to ignore the presence of Anne Hathaway. She makes me lose control and turn into a giant rage monster.